Here's our list of business cloud apps for the health & safety industry, pick one and be up and running in less than five minutes.

H&S Incident Reports

Report all workplace incidents and near misses while capturing all relevant details. The app can be enhanced to include business-specific investigation statuses.

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H&S Processes

Health and safety processes must be in place to ensure an incident-free working environment. Consider integrating this app to the H&S Sites app, this way site-specific processes can be established considering their unique characteristics.

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H&S Risk / Hazard Management

Manage H&S hazards based on their risk level. Industry practices recommend notifications, which can be put in place based on your industry.

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H&S Sites

Manage sites with safety in mind. Consider integrating this app with the H&S Processes app to ensure staff are aware of risks and how to deal with them prior to entering.

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H&S Training

Keep your staff trained is key to reducing risk and complying with regulations.

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* Case study companies names were changed for commercial reasons.